Rubbish Collections: Minimalize Your Load
July 21, 2021When Waste Collection Doesn’t Happen
August 6, 2021Do we ever think about the way we buy something in single-use packaging? It’s the modern way, a tub of yoghurt, bottled water, a cup of coffee on the run: we do it all the time. It suits the manufacturers who are going to sell you another similar product tomorrow. But it’s a problem we are creating for our environment.
Throw away consumable trends are here to stay, and as populations expand and we take the easy way out, like getting take-outs, and as we keep filling shopping baskets with disposable goodies, waste just continues to pile up around us.
Looking at waste disposal it’s obvious that the more advanced it is, the less impact it will have on the environment. One thing is for sure, it’s the only way we are going to control what goes back into the environment: how we treat it and where it gets disposed of.
It’s not just the dumping of waste in the landfill. It goes far beyond that. The environmental laws are continually being honed and improved to make sure that waste disposal has as small an effect on the environment as possible. Business and homeowners alike must comply and those like us at Junk Removal Wirral are required to work within the parameters provided.
This legislation covers a range of processes starting with waste collection methods, how the waste is transported, how it is treated before its disposal, and then the actual best methods to deal with the waste thereafter.
How Did We Get Here?
Being in the waste management business is a big challenge because of the increasing population and advance of the throw-away society. Waste generation continues unabated, and as landfills get full, the problem is what to do with all the waste.
The question is how do we ask everyone to slow down on the waste they produce? As the average person makes about 1,5 kg of waste a day, is there a way to reduce this? And if it can’t be reduced, maybe think about ways to help the authorities and waste management companies to lessen their burden.
One of the solutions is to reverse the trend of using one-time consumable products and focus on the principles of reuse, recycling or using products made of eco-friendly materials.
As technology spreads its influence in society, manufacturers are creating more gadgets, appliances and other products that grab the imagination of consumers. Not only that, but they also contain substances that are potentially toxic and harmful to the environment. Just one example is the toxins found in children’s’ toys. In many are cadmium and lead which are very dangerous for the young, while phthalates and bisphenol A, commonly found in plastics, are too.
As we know, plastics are the main pollution culprit, coupled with the fact that a lot of plastic is not biodegradable.
So, it seems that education and laws are the answer, but maybe there are some innovative ways to get rid of waste at a faster rate.
Innovation in Waste Disposal
We have all been bombarded with the concept of reuse, recycle, and reduce. It seems that its helping, but not everywhere. On its own this strategy is unlikely to reach many zero-waste levels in society.
We looked at some innovations in waste collection and disposal to inspire us and see how the waste levels around the world can be brought under control.
One of the best incentives is to put a value to waste. This will encourage people to collect it. Of course, there must be an end use for it, as its destination should be recycling or repurposing. In some countries the waste collectors scour the streets daily, while in others it is made easier for them.
An example is Columbia, a country where waste is a big problem. Citizens can deposit their recyclable waste into vending machines called Ecobots which are placed in public places. The reward for using the Ecobot to deposit waste in comes in the form of shopping vouchers and coupons for restaurants and movie houses.
By doing this the authorities have been able to bring awareness to waste and reduce the amount being thrown into the environment.
Collecting waste in difficult spots also needs innovative ideas. Rivers and water courses are particularly difficult to access. The water wheel action of Mr. Trash Wheel in Baltimore in the USA is driven by the power of the waves, and when it’s insufficient, its augmented by the sun’s power. The wheels turn in the water and accessories on the machine pick up the waste in the water and deposit it in a built-in floating barge. This keeps the river clean in a very innovative, eco-friendly way.
At a Higher Level
Knowing that waste reduction is discussed at high levels tells us how important the issue is. Whether it’s about global warming or carbon dioxide emissions, the authorities are concerned about the state of our environment.
At home, the Innovation in Waste Prevention (IWP) Fund, which is under the control of the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has received an excellent response to its call for ideas on waste prevention projects. The best 10 ideas will be rewarded and recognized and will motive communities to move away from the disposable throw-away habits that have crept in.
On a local level, Junk Removal Wirral is firmly on the ground to assist communities with their waste management and disposal.
Why Choose Junk Removal Wirral?
Junk Removal Wirral as a local licensed waste management company based in your area is one of your key players in ensuring that your environment is kept free of pollution and waste is managed correctly.
The cycle starts with waste collection and ends where waste is processed in a proper manner.
Should you require any assistance with your waste disposal, please give us a call. We will give you a no-obligation quote and ask you when the best time is for us to collect. Please be advised that we do weekend pickups, and even a same day junk removal if you need a same day waste collection service, we can do it.
Don’t let your waste worry you when you have the experts right on your doorstep!
Call us at the following number: 0151 808 0407.
We look forward to hearing from you.