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October 24, 2021With tons of plastic being thrown into landfills on a daily basis across the country and the recycling rate as a whole in the UK sitting at under 50%, we looked at whether there were opportunities to create a business opportunity from plastic waste.
Waste management and waste removal are well organized in our society. The job of authorities and private service providers like ourselves is to keep ahead of the game through aggressive campaigns to keep waste streams being disposed of correctly.
At Junk Removal Wirral we work hard to ensure that recycling efforts operate at levels that are higher than the national average. We laud the efforts that our residents are making in this important area to help keep our environment free of unnecessary scourge called junk, rubbish or simply waste.
So much so that we help others find a way to commercialize the waste management business, particularly at the user end, where recycled junk can be turned into something that makes money for the entrepreneur involved.
It’s at times a messy business, because junk must be separated at source, and if a whole pile of junk comes your way that is not sorted someone must do the messy job of doing so. In this article we take a look at plastic waste and how it can be turned into money.
Turning Plastic Waste into Money
Plastic is seen as a valuable material, but often we only use it for a short while-perhaps even a few seconds then we throw it away. From there more than half ends up damaging the environment, meaning that plastic, which is highly mobile can easily end up in the deep ocean at the North Pole.
To commercialize plastic, the process involves sorting, cleaning, and shredding. Then it is melted and goes into the 3 D printer. A robotic arm squeezes the waste into a shape that has been predetermined on the computer. So, the design needs to be selected for the style required.
It takes about 70 kgs of plastic waste to make a park bench. Bottle tops work well for this process, using a 3D printer, and to give you some idea of the complexity, it takes ten hours.
Often people don’t know that tables and chairs and various other pieces that are made for use in a park, are made from recycled plastic, as they seem so realistic and well made. In the outdoor context the benefits of using recycled plastic to make furniture are many.
Recycled outdoor benches and tables have several benefits. Unlike wood manufacturers can offer a long warranty as the materials are not prone to rotting, insect infestation or decay due to mould, wet, mildew or corrosion. That’s a great advantage indeed.
Creativity: The Secret of Turning Plastic Waste into a Business
There are an impressive number of applications of moulded plastic that have been created through innovative designs. We sense this is a fledgling business with lots of scope for future development.
Some of the benefits of reusing plastic waste to create commercially saleable wood-alternatives are ease of cleaning, the resistance to UV light and the fact that it never needs to be repainted.
In an outdoor situation, recycled plastic waste made into plastic furniture or park fixtures has the advantage of longevity because it does not rot or chip. It keeps its shape, won’t crack or peel and keeps looking good even after long periods of bad weather.
The vivid colours that can be incorporated into playground or parks fixtures remain looking good for long periods and are more or less maintenance free. If you are near the sea, the saltwater wont damage the recycled plastic furniture, a big plus over the conventional wood manufactured fixtures.
All of this should be considered when making the decision to purchase plastic waste remanufactured furniture. You can also boast about supporting an environmentally friendly cause when you install it.
So, what creative ideas are there? Simply put, any items that are made of wood or steel are suitable for replacement with plastic moulded waste materials. Using a 3 D printer and extruding the melted plastic into a mould of your making gives you an opportunity to create something original.
Think of the opportunities in recreation, leisure, and general outdoor use. Come up with a unique design and the benefits of recycled waste to moulded plastic items will be easy to sell and form a basis for a good emerging business.
Do Your Research
As with any business it’s the access to the raw materials that is the starting point to all of this. Get to know the different types of plastic-they are not all the same- and understand which type is suited for which application.
Choose a niche and focus on it. For example, if its tables, research all the manufacturers of recycled plastic waste into tables so you know who your opposition and what they are making. Make your tables in small to big sizes, look at ways to give them a universal usage, like for work and play. Use colours in attractive combinations, do designs that your opposition haven’t thought of themselves. Go in a bit cheaper or offer attractive discounts to lure the customer into a purchase. We are sure you’ll agree that it’s great to see that plastic waste can be put to such good use.
Junk Removal Wirral: Your Partner in Making Plans with Waste
If you are thinking of starting a new business, it doesn’t often happen that the raw materials for that business come for free. Even then the business is making an eco-impact on the environment from the start, with the contribution being one of reducing plastic waste.
Plastic waste is a menace, and any business that successfully reduces plastic waste and is able to turn it into something useful, deserves an accolade.
Let us help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals and assist you with your recycling efforts which when taken the next step can convert plastic waste into commercial products. You need a touch of creativity and the will to succeed.
Give us a call if you would like to talk about your plans to reduce plastic waste in the Wirral, Liverpool, Chester, and Ellesmere Port area.
Wirral & Liverpool 0151 808 0407
Chester 01244 953100
Email: enquiries@junkremovalwirral.co.uk
Website: https://www.junkremovalwirral.co.uk/