Your Personal Contribution to Help Prevent Climate Change – Wirral
April 18, 2021
Garden Waste Collection
April 24, 2021When walking through the countryside the happy sounds of birds add so much to the experience in nature. How often do we take birds for granted? They are always there, adding so much to our lives, yet little do we realize that our waste and pollution habits are harming them, putting many of them in precarious positions.
Globally, birdwatching is one of the fastest growing hobbies, and birders are known to travel great distances just to see a single species. We are blessed to have a wide range of birds to observe and get to know, while just this last year during a one-day event called the Global Big Birding Day, more than 7000 different species were counted worldwide. Some of these species are classified as “threatened,” “critically endangered,” or “regionally extinct”, while at least a third of the birds in the UK are on the Red List.
If we look at why, we see they are extremely vulnerable to our actions on the environment they live in when we are irresponsible with our waste. We litter, spill oil into the oceans, and spew our greenhouse gas emissions. When we damage the environment, it affectts the livelihood of birds.
We at Junk Removal Wirral are concerned about the preservation of our birds, and are aware that their decline is a sign that we are losing the battle to keep the earth and our own health in order. Being a recognized waste management company in your community, our efforts to maintain a healthy environment for us to live in is our main concern. Our aim is to keep your environment clean, and simultaneously make it a great place for our birds too.
Pollution and Birds
- Birds disappear from areas that they can’t live in, and they simply find somewhere else to go. When the Curlew started disappearing form the UK it was their sign that this is not the place for them. The wider problem is that mess is everywhere, with winds, tides and currents sweeping plastic and other junk to very remote corners of the world. Birds are finding it difficult to escape the chaos litter that’s happening.
- It is happening everywhere: tangled fishes tackle in the sea, floating junk on ocean waters, ice melting at the Poles, unhealthy air over cities, pesticides polluting the soil, it’s a proverbial mine field for the birds of the world. Think about the risk we are putting them into, lowering their life span, and fertility.
- The birds we know so well like the Shag, Kittiwake and Puffin are now on the Red List, something we should be acting on to immediately fix.
Solid Waste and Indiscriminate Rubbish Dumping
- With the increase in fly tipping and indiscriminate waste disposal there is more pressure on areas that include wetlands and open spaces, where waste seeps into water courses and soil. This normally should be treated at a landfill site. The effect of this is felt on our birds and animals in a big way. Kites and Crows which scavenge these illegal sites peck on waste materials which has a detrimental effect on them.
- The Yellowhammer, a prolific songster with a brilliant yellow head and underside, is being heard less and less, and counts have shown that they have decreased in numbers by 50% over the past 25 years.
- It is a tradition in the UK to hunt pheasant and waterfowl, and while it seems an activity that is relatively harmless, the opposite is apparent. Leftover lead shot is mistaken for food by these same waterfowls and other ground birds, often resulting in lead poisoning. The highly toxic lead degrades slowly and stays in the watercourses and soil for decades, always posing a danger to the birds. More than 40% of wetland birds in the UK have lead shot in their systems, indicating the extent of the problem.
- Out on the ocean, Albatrosses, Gannets, and Petrels experience blocked intestines and other digestive problems from ingesting floating objects, often made of plastic and other harmful substances, for food.
Farming- the effect of Pesticides on Birds
- Herbicide use and farm expansion is common in farming around the UK. These both have an impact on birds. The former causing habitat destruction forcing birds out of their territories, and the herbicides kill off the insects that birds may eat. Farm birds are amongst the highest percentage of birds on the red list in the UK.
- The practices on farms that have caused the drop in bird numbers are mainly caused by herbicide use, autumn-sown cereals instead of spring, land drainage practices which interfere with habitat, and more intense stocking of animals which trample nests and habitats.
- Birds such as the Woodcock, Pied Flycatcher and Nightingale are now on the red list, as their habitats come under pressure from forestry.
- The song thrush we know so well, has gone quiet in many places. They have declined by 50% over the last decades, largely due to pesticide use.
What Can we Do?
Start today and make a difference to our birds. Join a bird club, get the kids interested and start learning about what they eat, where they nest and how they bring up their babies. It’s such a rewarding interest to have. Then look at ways that you and the family can help make their environment more comfortable.
By having an awareness of what pollution does and its effect on birds, you can start influencing others to do the same. By changing our approach to the use of herbicides in our gardens, or helping to keep a beach or wildlife area free of litter is one way to make a difference.
The professional team at Junk Removal Wirral offer junk removal and disposal services at competitive prices. We haul away junk at a time convenient to you, whether after hours or on weekends, we are there to help you keep your environment clean. The reliable and professional waste disposal services are provided here in your community to assist you with your waste reduction.
Please contact us today for a No Obligation quote for your waste removal needs in the Wirral, Liverpool, Chester, and Ellesmere Port area.
Wirral & Liverpool 01518 080407
Chester 01244 953100
Email: enquiries@junkremovalwirral.co.uk
Website: https://www.junkremovalwirral.co.uk/