Junk Removal Services for a Cleanout When Needed
December 16, 2022
Make Haste and Reduce Waste: The End is Coming
December 27, 2022Builders' waste and demolition waste are large contributors to the pollution of our environment. With the world’s population having reached 8 billion, we all must live and work somewhere. It means that we keep on building homes, offices, and factories, expanding our concrete footprint across the globe.
This is all very well, but waste management practices relating to builder’s waste must keep ahead of the game, otherwise, the damage caused by these materials keeps on increasing. Builders' waste disposal isn’t a simple matter either, with many different builders’ waste items requiring their own waste collection procedures.
These materials are also particularly weighty, which means that the rubbish removal vehicles that are used need to be robust and equipped to pick it up and remove it from its position. Not only that but there is pressure to ensure that as much of the materials as possible are recycled.
As a waste management company Junk Removal Wirral conduct rubbish clearance activities across the Wirral peninsula and with many building projects going on we are aware of the importance of making sure that these materials are disposed of correctly.
The amount of builder’s waste won’t get any less either as we continue to expand our populations, which is why the recycling of this category of waste becomes particularly important to us all.
Building and Demolition Waste
Large amounts of building waste get generated in the process of construction of buildings because of overestimations of materials, mistakes, and offcuts. By the same token when a building is demolished, usually to make way for another larger development, the waste will consist of many different materials.
These materials include concrete, bricks, scrap metal, wood, glass and even plastic. Some of the materials may be contaminated or deemed hazardous.
When taking this all into account, reuse or recycling becomes and important way to prevent them from ending up in the landfill.
All too often one sees a mixed load of concrete, bricks and mortar being sent to the landfill. The use of this material as a decking layer in the landfill is not a good idea, because this will trap materials that would normally need to decompose, preventing the aeration process from happening.
Therefore, sending builders materials to landfills is a bad idea. However, for most, it’s the easiest.
Material Recovery Centres
Used building materials like old windows and doors have, as we well know, a monetary value. The recycling and reuse of these items have been in practice since time began, in what we call the secondary materials market.
It’s the bulky heavy portion of concrete and bricks that we may find from time to time that get fly tipped illegally by disrespectful contractors that are taking short cuts with their rubble removal.
Material recovery centers provide a facility where any builders and demolition rubble can be moved to by the junk cleaner doing the removal service.
Separation of materials must be encouraged, and lower dumping fees may be charged when the materials arrive clean of other mixed rubble.
Management Plans When Building
As waste is the environment’s biggest threat, building companies and contractors are expected to participate in a planning process prior to commencement of construction or demolition.
Bigger construction projects are obliged to have an Environmental Management plan in place that will cover every aspect of the effect each component of the construction project will have on the environment. This will outline what steps it will take to mitigate the effect of the construction project during its lifetime.
Site Waste Management Plans (SWMPs) are also a very good tool for the contractors to identify how they will minimize the level of waste produced on a construction project through the processes that will be used to manage building materials, and waste production levels during the project.
As the construction progresses a record is kept monitoring how successful they have been in reusing or recycling and the waste disposal activities are carefully monitored.
Under law construction, companies must show a duty of care regarding the management of their waste. This is covered under section.34 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Waste Management on Site is a Team Effort
Throughout the whole process of demolition and building, the onus is on those involved to do right by the environment. This is where it becomes a team effort, right from the management through to the workers, and then the waste removal professionals that are contracted to supply rubbish removal services.
A Site Management Plan is not a legal requirement, but it is a very important way to guide those involved on how to do the right thing.
It helps the workers to be able to follow the correct procedures to ensure that the waste collection, separation, and disposal are done according to plan.
Can The Industry Achieve Zero Avoidable Waste?
Having seen what contribution construction waste makes to the overall waste stream a concept like Zero Avoidable Waste (ZAW) in construction assumes a high level of priority.
The objective of ZAW is to attempt to stop the generation of waste at the various stages of a project’s lifecycle.
This includes the level of manufacture of the materials and products that are used, through to the design stage with its specifications and at purchasing levels.
When construction commences ZAW assumes a level of priority. Ideally, any waste products must be recovered with the most thought and effort given to be able to nullify their impact on the environment
Where older more harmful materials like asbestos are involved, a responsible waste disposal plan should be put in place to affect the waste disposal in the correct manner.
Consult the Waste Management Professionals
When embarking on any building project it is advisable to consult the professionals about your waste disposal. As a licensed waste operator in the Wirral area, Junk Removal Wirral can provide you with the professional advice needed to do your waste collection and disposal the right way.
Junk Removal Wirral team members can be contacted at the following number:
We are ready to help with any advice and rubbish collection of your waste.
Email: enquiries@junkremovalwirral.co.uk