Building Industry Waste Management Critical to Reducing the Effects on the Environment
December 22, 2022
Is Waste Management Getting Smarter? We Hope So!
January 1, 2023Now that we have your attention, we’d like to say that we don’t know if the end of the world is coming, but what we do know is that we must reduce our waste in a hurry!
As we move into a climate crisis phase, many are still not taking climate change seriously, perhaps saying” not in my lifetime” will the end come.
Looking at it another way, we already have 8 billion people on the planet, so, by the end of the century, where are we going to be? If temperatures have gone up 2 degrees in the last decade, and we have experienced such a hot summer this year, what is it going to be like to live here by then?
Again, maybe not your problem, but the fact is that this situation has started to get out of our hands in our lifetime. So perhaps it is our problem, and we should all be doing something about it to help solve it.
Reducing the amount of waste, with haste is something we can do. At Rubbish Removal Wirral, we are the ones that are seeing the effects of rubbish on the environment the most as we are at the coalface, so to speak.
Being aware of where we are and the conditions our grandchildren are going to experience is a scary thought, so let’s make a difference now. Here are some waste-reducing tips to consider.
Waste Reduction at Home
Why not start at home, making a difference, as indoors and outdoors have many opportunities to consider. Most involve the reduction of material use, finding ways to reuse and of course, recycling.
Energy and Material Use
Not only will you save yourself some money, but some of the biggest contributors to our climate crisis are energy and the production of raw materials. Small habit changes, like switching off devices when not in use, or using recycled materials when doing a renovation result in responsible home waste reduction.
Out in the garden, decrease water usage and by making more compost and improving the organic matter in the soil you save water too. It means that cuttings which are generated while mowing the lawn or trimming the trees and bushes in spring would be converted into compost.
By doing so you are not sending it elsewhere, as in the landfill, which is already congested with many other waste materials.
Greening is also an action which helps increase the number of trees on earth. By planting a seed today, you are starting a new tree for tomorrow. If you already have some trees, then share them with others, like in new areas that are being developed where they are needed, and which will help green the neighbourhood.
By helping improve the uptake of carbon dioxide through greening, we are actively reversing the effects of CO2 on the earth’s atmosphere. The world is looking for people who are keen to participate in greening activities, as every new tree makes a difference.
Recycling at Home
If you are not doing so already, the separation and recycling of domestic waste is an essential function of home waste management.
Of course, every home will have some non-recyclable waste, like old paint tins or hazardous chemicals left over and are no longer in use. By finding the right channels from a registered local waste removal company like Junk Removal Wirral, your waste will be disposed of correctly - and that is exactly what you want.
Waste Reduction amongst the Youth
By creating an awareness of waste reduction at schools, we lay the foundation for the future. Although it is not fair to lay the burden of our pollution of the earth on the youth, we must bring the problems to their attention at an early age.
It may be hard to imagine how to make waste reduction fun but let’s give it a try.
At school, teachers can make children aware of ways to recycle materials by making interesting products out of them. By reusing paper, glass and cardboard or paper, you’d be amazed at the ideas kids come up with.
As food is important to us all, and especially children, we have a captive market when getting the point of waste reduction across. Insist that lunches are packed in reusable packaging and disposable, recyclable packaging is encouraged.
Get the young ones to write an essay about the effects of waste on nature and how it is causing harm to their environment. Give rewards for good essays.
In Business: Reduce Waste
Nowadays there are incentives available to businesses to have a green purchasing strategy. By this, we mean that raw materials that are required for production should preferably be environmentally friendly.
This means considering all the options available to be able to replace existing raw materials with those that are recyclable or have themselves been recycled.
In addition to this, gadgets and machines that use less energy should also be part of their green strategy, thereby reducing the load on the grid and helping the environment.
A business, particularly heavy industry has a very big pollution footprint generally, and each business will be expected to have a waste management plan which incorporates targets to put measures in place to reduce their impact on the environment.
It’s About Our Environment: We Can All Make a Difference
Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of us all to reduce the waste we produce and to always consider more eco-friendly alternatives. Be it at home or in business, there are many small habit changes that can make a difference.
Communities also are encouraged to come together to clean and monitor environmental issues that are caused by poor waste habits. Arranging outings into the local environment to inspect and clean up waterways are applaudable action.
Importantly the community has the backup from dedicated waste management companies that are committed to a clean environment. As a licensed service provider, the Junk Removal Wirral team of professionals work tirelessly doing rubbish clearances and junk disposal.
Make sure that you use a registered company to ensure that the job of waste disposal is done the right way.
Give us a call on 0151 808 0407.
Let us assist you any time a rubbish removal service is needed.
Email: enquiries@junkremovalwirral.co.uk